Fruits and vegetables versus asthma
时间:2017-06-13 来源:LianHui浏览次数:117

Asthma is the most common chronic illness amongst children today and prevalence rates are quickly on the rise worldwide. We cannot let constant coughing and wheezing cripple our nation! To remedy this issue we should look to our diet and turn the table to more fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that there is a link between low consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and increased prevalence of asthma amongst children. This helps to make sense of the finding that populations that eat a traditional diet, where the majority of their caloric intake comes from plant sources have lower rates of asthma. An apple a day keeps the asthma away? Recently British researchers have found that individuals who ate between 2 to 5 apples a week have lower rates of asthma. They speculate that it may be due to the flavonoid components involved, in particular, khellin which has been shown to open up airways. At The Giving Tree our fruit crisps make an excellent snack with all the nutrition preserved by our freeze drying process and vacuum packaging.

A call for the 'C'? We have all heard of the wonders of vitamin C. Pirates out at sea that lacked vitamin C got scurvy. Whilst nowadays scurvy is not so common, asthma however is. One study of preschool children conducted in Japan found a link between vitamin C intake and lower rates of asthma. Some fruits with the highest antioxidant vitamin C content include papayas, strawberries and kiwis. Additionally, research has shown that there is increased risk of airway hypersensitivity in those with the lowest vitamin C intake.Veggies to the rescue? Another study on a sample of children has shown that high dietary vegetable intake to be protective against asthma, reducing the risk up to 50%. This may be due to the high antioxidant content of many vegetables which serve a protective effect on our overall health. To test this theory researchers conducted an intervention study where they experimented adding and then removing antioxidant rich foods from the diets of their experimental sample. The results showed that when the antioxidant rich foods were removed from the participants' diets they experienced "significant worsening of lung issues and asthma control". This suggests that antioxidants play a key role in the functioning of our lungs and breathing and can be considered as a treatment option for asthma in adults and children alike. Our vegetable crisps are a great to eat your veggies when you're on the go! Grab a pack of our broccoli crisps for your next snack! Even if we don't have asthma we should all eat an abundance and variety of fruits and vegetables to better our health! For more information on how asthma can be treated using fruits and vegetables click here or here!